Tempsure Vitalia

TempSure Vitalia Q & A

What is TempSure Vitalia?

TempSure Vitalia is a non-surgical, radiofrequency treatment designed for feminine wellness. This FDA-cleared treatment provides vaginal rejuvenation without downtime or surgery.

When women age or become pregnant, they often experience hormonal shifts. These significant shifts often result in vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual pleasure, and urinary incontinence. Vitalia works by reversing some of those unwanted changes by inducing collagen synthesis. Increased collagen in the vaginal wall leads to increased tightening and hydration.

How does TempSure Vitalia work?

By delivering radiofrequency to heat the vaginal wall gently, Vitalia stimulates new collagen production. These new collagen fibers that are formed are tight and dense. The Vitalia handpiece is specially designed for smaller, harder to reach areas, such as vaginal and labial tissue to improve local circulation and stimulate collagen and elastin formation.

This is an easy and effective treatment to maintain intimate wellness without hormones, invasive procedures, or downtime!

What does the procedure feel like?

During the TempSure Vitalia procedure, you will feel gentle heating of the target tissue. The treatment has been carefully designed with women in mind to deliver heat gradually for a comfortable therapeutic experience every time.

What are the benefits?

Vitalia treatment offers several impressive benefits. Among others, it:

  • Increases nerve sensitivity in the vaginal area, significantly enhancing your pleasure during intimacy.
  • Tightens the tissue inside your vaginal canal, leading to a more pleasurable intimate experience for both you and your partner.
  • Promotes new collagen and elastin growth, enhancing the appearance of vaginal tissue that may have atrophied due to childbirth, hormones, or the natural aging process. Collagen fills in withering areas while elastin restores youthful elasticity.
  • Provides relief from urinary incontinence, dramatically reducing or even eliminating such problems.

What can I expect during treatments?

During treatments, the Vitalia handpiece is inserted into the vagina. The handpiece was carefully designed with patient comfort in mind. The entire experience is safe and therapeutic. Treatments usually last less than 30 minutes, making it convenient to schedule during the day. After your appointment, you will be able to return to your routine immediately.

When should I expect to see results?

Many patients notice immediate improvements. As the weeks go on, you should experience even better results. This is because collagen production takes time. The number of treatments that are needed will vary. A series of treatments is always recommended, but every patient is different. When you come in for your consultation, we will create a custom treatment plan for you.