
Going through a pregnancy should be one of the most joyous times in your life, but it can be overwhelming, too. The physicians, midwives, and nurse practitioners at Teverbaugh Croland & Mueller OB/GYN & Associates will be your support system every step of the way. You’ll get all of the care and treatment you need at their state-of-the-art office in Peoria, Illinois. Plus, since you’ll spend time developing a relationship with a practitioner, you’ll know exactly who will be there to deliver your new addition and care for you both. The care and support you need is just a phone call away.

Pregnancy Q & A

Will I know if I am pregnant?

Likely yes, although not all women know right away. Early pregnancy symptoms mimic the symptoms of your menstrual cycle. So if you’re not planning to get pregnant, you might not pay attention to the general early signs. Some pregnancy symptoms you may go through include:

  • Spotting and light bleeding
  • Cramping
  • White milky discharge
  • Sore swollen breasts
  • Darkened nipples
  • Fatigue
  • Morning sickness
  • Missed period
  • Frequent urination
  • Unexplained constipation

If you’re one of those women who suffer from regular morning sickness, extreme fatigue, or other uncomfortable side effects, don’t worry. These issues usually ease up after your first trimester, around weeks 13-14.

Is a home pregnancy test reliable?

Often yes, but you need to take it at the right time. If you take it too early, you can get a false negative. Usually, the ideal time to take a pregnancy test is about a week after the first day of your missed period, first thing in the morning. If it’s positive, follow up with your OB/GYN or nurse practitioner to confirm through a blood test or ultrasound.

When do I need to come in for visits during my pregnancy?

We usually do a confirmation of pregnancy exam between 8-10 weeks. This includes a sonogram, exam, education, and you are given your due date. Your prenatal visits are some of the most exciting doctor visits you’ll ever experience. After all, it’s during these appointments that you’ll learn your due date, find out your baby’s gender, and you’ll get to hear your little one’s heartbeat for the first time. Generally, you’ll start coming in for visits more frequently as your pregnancy progresses.

During the first 28 weeks, for instance, plan on scheduling appointments every month. By your third trimester, or after about 28 weeks, your provider will likely want to see you every two weeks. As you get closer to that big day between weeks 36 to 40, visit with your practitioner every week, or as recommended.

How soon can I find out my baby’s gender?

If you want to find out your new addition’s gender, you can usually schedule an anatomy sonogram around 22 weeks. This is the optimal time to see all your baby’s major organs and bones. A limited “peek-a-boo-” sonogram can be done around 16 weeks for a nominal fee.

If your baby is positioned properly so the technician can see his or her genitals, you can usually find out your baby’s gender immediately.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions are available here.